School Webmasters Blog
School Marketing is Not a Dirty WordIt’s time you started tooting your own horn
“You don’t need to brag; when you do a good job, people will notice.”
Dear readers, this is a lie!
Should Your School’s Website Be Responsive?Find out what really matters and why—before you begin your school’s website redesign project
The primary task of your school’s website is to facilitate effective communication. If done right, it can not only keep everyone informed, but it will improve morale and create staff, parent, and student enthusiasm for the school.
What Successful K-12 Schools Do RightA priority on communications; the road to a respected reputation
School website management can be a huge advantage to your school’s branding and communication efforts. Find out what works and why.
Could your school use website help?Stay focused on educating; put the webmasters to work on your sites
Your support staff is busy, your teachers are overwhelmed, and administrators are wearing many hats. Now there is a solution to keeping your website current.
What makes an effective school website?Apply website best practices and let your school communications shine
There is so much involved in creating and maintaining an effective school website. And, to be fair, it is nearly impossible to expect your school staff to have the skill sets required to manage today’s website and social media without specialized training.
Effective School Communications is Possible
The primary task of your school’s website is to facilitate effective communication. If done right, it can not only keep everyone informed but will improve morale and create staff, parent, and student enthusiasm for the school.
Civility in Our Schools, Home, and Online
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Effective School Administrators Know How to ListenEffective school communication begins with leadership examples
Take note, today’s staff members want to be asked for feedback and to be heard.1 I think we also recognize that in addition to more frequent communication, how we communicate can mean the difference in how effective we are as leaders. This means better listening skills.
Parents: Talk About What Matters to ThemEffective school communication + engaging visuals = winning influence
I’ve been preaching for years that content is king. I’ve written numerous articles espousing this recommendation. However, I’m kind of old-school and I actually read content—on the Web, in books, in ads, etc.
Choose Your Words Wisely…It Matters!Strategic school communications = good customer service.
Are the words you are using undermining your school’s intended messages? The words used in all forms of communication can be some of the strongest branding taking place at your school.