Website Accessibility
At School Webmasters, we seek to understand and respect the unique needs of our customers. We are committed to ensuring the accessibility of our web content to people with disabilities. We make every effort to provide content on our website that will conform to the Web Content Accessibly Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA.
This policy applies to all new, updated, and existing web content on www.SchoolWebmasters.com. Accessibility checks and training will be incorporated into the publishing workflow for all new website content and the School Webmasters website will be reviewed annually to maintain website accessibility standards.
Each page of the website will include a link to a form providing a method for users to submit feedback on the site; this information will be compiled and considered during the review process. Any accessibility issues should be reported to Info@SchoolWebmasters.com or by using the feedback form below.
Adobe Acrobat is often required to view and print PDF documents that appear on this website. To download this program for free, visit the Adobe website. To read PDF documents with a screen reader please refer to the Access Adobe website which provides useful tools and resources.
Please note that there are some pages on the School Webmasters website that contain links to third party sites, which are not within our control and may not comply with accessibility standards. We are not responsible for the content or accessibility of third-party sites.