School Webmasters Blog
All You Ever Wanted to Know About School Website AccessibilityLearn about DIY website accessibility audits, document remediation, and automated testing
Website accessibility compliance has become front and center in the past few years for both schools and businesses. The history of the Americans with Disabilities Act started in the 1960s, but only recently have the Office of Civil Rights and lawyers focused on website accessibility. Basically, if you have a website, you need to make sure it is accessible to those with disabilities.
What Makes the Best School Websites? Part 2How to use your school website for school marketing and parent engagement
The best school websites serve many critical purposes. To accomplish those many objectives, they must also be functional, usable, and accessible (which we covered in Part 1). Here we’ll not only cover what should be on a school website but how to target and satisfy your various audiences.
California Schools: Know Your State’s Website Accessibility RequirementsIs your school's website ADA compliant?
Beginning July 1, 2019, California law requires state agencies and entities to post a certificate of accessibility on the home page of their websites.
California Governor Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill 434 into law on October 14
What Makes the Best School Websites? Part 1It’s not all about slick design. Find out what makes the best school websites work.
This is a question every school leader should ask. A school’s website is one of the most effective tools a school has to improve communication, engage parents, market its strengths, and build a solid, trusting reputation within its community. These are all benefits that improve education for our nation’s students, which makes achieving them worth the effort.
Effective School Communications about the Value of Our Schools“Spotlight My School” PARSS Conference Winner and Other Examples of Effective School Marketing
A while back, our CEO, Bonnie Leedy, was invited to be a guest presenter at the annual conference for the Pennsylvania Association of Rural and Small Schools (PARSS). We asked participating PARSS administrators to submit a story about a time they successfully shared what was going on at their schools with the community. We chose one lucky winner to receive a copy of the Marketing Your School toolkit.
6 Things People Actually Want to See on Your Social Media PagesConnect with and entertain your audience
A strategic communications plan for your social media can improve relationships with parents, build trust, and encourage engagement. When it comes to school communication, parents want important information such as events and meetings, policy changes, and news that affects the education of their child. However, this is information better suited for e-mails, newsletters, and the school website.
Public Relations for SchoolsIf you’re not engaging, you’re failing
As you practice school public relations, you’ll improve your school brand, connect with your community, and boost your marketing efforts. Consistent, strategic messaging with the end goal of creating and nurturing relationships with your publics is key to your school’s success.
How School Leaders Can Foster Community TrustMake yours the school of choice; build a culture of trust.
Trust—all across our country—is perceived as wounded and limping. Whether within corporations, government, or our schools, many feel the damage is irreparable. We disagree, and you should as well. You have the ability to rebuild trust in your circle of influence and create optimism that replaces cynicism. Trust rules. It drives your school’s cohesiveness. It drives performance. It even drives student achievement.
What’s Really Going on Behind the Scenes of Your School Website?What to expect from development to school website management by partnering School Webmasters
If you are considering undertaking a school website development process, I imagine you are feeling a bit stressed. Or if you’ve tried it and are ready to hire professionals, you’ve come to the right place.
School Video Marketing Ideas from Down UnderHow some Australian schools use video effectively
Whether or not it’s a conscious effort, we seek to imitate people we admire or view as successful. This carries over into the business world as well. While careful not to infringe on anyone’s copyrights, we look to others for inspiration. When you undertake a website design, do you look at other school websites to see what they are doing? So how about seeking inspiration for your school marketing approach too?