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School Webmasters Blog

Use and Misuse of School Announcements on Your School Website

In education, communication between home and school has always been a challenge. But one of the benefits of modern technology is its ability to connect people with ideas and information regardless of time or distance. That’s the purpose of your school website and why each section of that site should be optimized, including your use of school announcements.

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How to write a caption

It is important to remember that photo captions are the most read text in a publication (only headlines have a higher readership than captions). So, when we want our readers to be engaged and informed, our use of captions matters.

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Why You Don’t Just Need an App for That

Before considering an app, take a look at your website. Since your website is your face to the public (an app is only available to existing parents), your efforts here should be your highest priority. Beware the slick sales pitch and take a look at your website before jumping into the app jungle.

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School Logos and Mascots Done Right

Branding goes beyond your colors and school logo, of course. It is inclusive of the entire customer experience and includes everything from your school website design and layout, your school social media interactions, and your mascot to how your staff answers the phones. So, let’s talk about how to use school mascots and logos to contribute to your cohesive brand identity.

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